HLS 2024 Frequently Asked Questions
Unfortunately no, you must be 18 years old and over at time of submission.
Yes. It is a free platform for you to use and create an account.
I’m having trouble with Submittable, can you help?
General questions can be directed to hls@australiansinfilm.org, but any software or account issues with Submittable should be handled by contacting them directly.
Finalist Timeline
When will I be notified if I am one of the five finalists?
On or around the last week of September all applicants will be contacted, whether shortlisted or not.
What happens next if I’m a finalist?
You will receive instructions to submit another self tape of up to 5 minutes.
Recipient Timeline
When is the recipient announced?
AiF will announce the recipient of the scholarship in late October 2024
If we have not addressed your question here, please email hls@australiansinfilm.org
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